Michael is nearly 1... and Im nearly, well that would be telling! Gareth is 30 next week. I cannot fathom how we suddenly got to the end of February.
Am keeping busy making stuff for the local donkey sanctuary Spring fair. I have a box of things made so far. Lots of cross stitch and crochet brooches. I just hope it all raises lots of funds for them.
Jenni moves to her new shiny house this week, no more damp and cold for her and Michael. At last she can make this house into a home. Looking forward to seeing all her pictures on the walls. If I can actually find anywhere near to get a ball of white wool I can finish the throw I made for the boys bed.
Here he is on the rocking horse I got him for Xmas, I just added a leather saddle and reins! Not bad for 8.00 pounds.
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