What was the last book you read? - Yet another James Patterson, I Alex Cross
Do you have any "hidden" talents that you would like to share? - not really all my talents are pretty well known!
What is your favourite smell? - natural scents like vanilla, orange.
If you wanted to escape would it be cottage by the sea or log cabin up a mountain?- Definately a cottage near the sea, not too close as its hard to grow veggies.
What item do you seem to knit the most of?
Can you knit with double pins? - no my feeble mind cannot manage more than 2
If you could spend a day with someone famous who would it be? - not famous in the real world but some of my online friends on MSE who are famous ther
In cooking would you choose Mary Berry or Delia Smith? - Mary cos she makes more cakes than Delia
Do you have a favourite sweetie? - midget gems
Do you have anything stashed away that your husband/partner doesnt know about? - Apart from wool you mean ? £8 in 5ps
Do you write a shopping list or do you shop as you go along? Bit of both but as I get older I write more lists.
Thank you Jacqueline I feel immensley honoured. My online friends keep me sane as I am mainly homebound with Hubby. I went from running myself ragged as a Charity shop manager - yes it is very physical work as well as juggling volunteers, keeping the weekly targets and all those other tasks behind the scenes - to looking after hubby and getting to craft for many hours a day. Some days other than talking to Hubs, daughter and son the only other person I speak to is the checkout lady at the supermarket and you know, I dont mind a bit.