Living the simple life

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Heres my take on the wreath tutorial from the
Shabby Cottage blog. It cost pennies to make as I had everything in except the skeletons .Many thanks for the idea I love my new goth wreath.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Been busy to no avail...

Was supposed to have a stall at a local farmers market but they now demand personal injury insurance and its just not feasable when you only do 2 events a year. How sad its come to this. I only do it cos i can't stop creating things and need a bit of cash to ensure I don't end up in the poor house haha

Friday, 4 September 2009

September already....

Had a very busy few weeks and as soon as I draw breath I realise its nearly time for the farmers market in Heaton Moor. I have loads of stuff made so not much reason to panic. These are my crochet balls courtesy of Ravelry. Have done some more and they are off to Rwanda, an orphanage there requested toys and books via Bonnie Babies charity

Saturday, 1 August 2009

August already!

Am busy searching for a short break in Northumberland to go hunting for gargoyles. Have saved lots of cash on Money saving expert that we can afford a couple of nights in motel ( 19 pounds per night deal) But the flipping site wont accept my card for payment!

Just had my 50th birthday and it was lovely except for the dishwasher emptying itself all over the kitchen floor. Found the outlet pipe had melted cos it was touching the hot pipe......

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

So much to do!

Here is my darling son with Wedge's new baby boy, Mason. Dont know who is the cutest.

Had a busy few weeks, making toys and baby clothes, some for family and some for Bonnie Babies charity. Just an excuse to buy wool really.

Finally got a film for my camera so hopefully there will be some pics of my work on here soon. I just can't get the hang of digital camera's - Im a luddite where they are concerned

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

I think Spring is here....

Am busy planting my vegetables, am a little nervous of frost though. I have great hopes for a good mini harvest as I now have time to spend on the longed for dream of self sufficiency. Alls quiet here today and am just pottering. The guinea pigs and rabbit are watching my every move but I think its going to be a few weeks till I grow something they can eat!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

This little man entered our lives recently, Jenni's partners little boy - Harrison. I really didnt want grandchildren for about another 20 years but this ones a keeper. He has an amazing sense of humour for a 2 year old and rarely grizzles. Looking forward to some more now!