Living the simple life

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

I took part in a blog swop and my partner was nanny Nora. I received a parcel full of loveliness and so enjoyed my little parcels, well one was not so small - this beautifully stitched cushion is now my pride and joy  and my little grandson thinks its really comfy! 

I also got 4 more packages , one with a funky lavender bag to pop in  my knitting bag so everything smells sweet, a pretty dish complete with recipe for pudding, a good bookmark beautifully stitched and some tiny heart bunting which I will drape artistically over my printers box displaying my favourite tiny things. thank you so much for my gifts and I am pleased you liked yours Victoria ! dontcha just love blog land.

1 comment:

  1. I’ve been nominated for the One Lovely Blog award and I am now asked to pass it on. I want to pass it on to you because I think your blog is really Lovely! If you’d like to accept this award then please take it to your blog and pass it on – if this is not your thing then please accept this as a compliment on your blog.
