Living the simple life

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Michael drove us to Wales on Sunday

He decided the sea wasn't for him until.....

...his Manma took him in!

Then he drove us home again. He was quite taken with the windscreen wipers and giggled everytime he turned them on!

Joyous day, picnic good company and my bliss - Michael !  

Friday, 18 May 2012

I am in love with my new camera and have been making a conscious effort to take pots of pictures now that cost doesnt figure in taking them and having films developed.

Its been a hard month with lots of bad things happening but we are soldiering on. John is struggling with his health much more and trying to deal with it all , although he doesnt seem to realise he is doing very well.

Pennypinching is always on my mind and I really cannot see where to chip away any more but have to keep trying. there seems to be a lot of cheap pork on the markets around Manchester and I am not too sure if I want to know where it is from??? Still it does help make a good meal, tend not to do a roast dinner too often now as the meat goes further in something rather than as the star on the plate.

Had to put at least one picture of Michael on here, he is such a good eater and loves corn on the cob. We made a promise to our selves with his Mummy and Daddy that he would get to try lots of different things and very few sweets. His cheffy Daddy and Mummy save him some of their evening meal every night for his lunch next day and he really likes couscous (so good they named it twice his Daddy says ). He is my bliss!

May again!

Finally plucked up the courage to try this from Attic 24' fab blog. It was actually easier than it looks. Its the front for a cushion. Not sure about the colours but will be trying some others. the top pic is my squares for my BIG blanket - upto 92 squares already!